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Smoking Cessation Refresher


The NHS Stop Smoking Service is a successful initiative to support people in quitting smoking. All Smoking Cessation Advisors must attend annual refresher training to keep up to date with the latest Nicotine Replacement Therapy (NRT) developments and behaviour change techniques.


• To understand any recent changes to the NHS Stop Smoking Service (nationally and locally)
• To problem solve cases with the experienced trainer and colleagues
• To offer an opportunity for monitor calibration
• To update Advisors on current NRT therapies available and supporting resources


2 Hours


Free for those working in South Tyneside

Who should attend?

This course is designed for any staff identified as part of the ABU programme, who are currently registered as smoking cessation advisors in South Tyneside and are due their annual refresher.

Course Start Date: 11/09/2024 2:00 pm

Course End Date: 11/09/2024 5:00 pm

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