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Sexual Health

This session provides attendees with a wider understanding of local and national agendas in Sexual and Reproductive Health. It will also allow the opportunity to learn more about the legislation involved in this area and provide opportunities to develop behaviour change techniques relevant to the field.


  • We explore the law in relation to sexual health, and answer questions including: what to do if someone tells you that they have been a victim of sexting, and has anyone ever been sent to prison for giving someone a STI?
  • We discuss many issues around sexual health with a special focus on young people. Do you know the differences between 10 different STIs? Or do you know which forms of contraception are most effective in the real world? By the end you will!
  • We look at the latest statistics for South Tyneside, including those relating to teenage conception rates, abortion rates and cervical screening and discuss the new guidelines on the HPV vaccination programme.
  • We then finish by discussing how we can all “Make Every Contact Count” and help people to maintain good sexual health.  We review the services that we have locally and the range of support available.


3 hours

Course Start Date: 12/11/2024 9:30 am

Course End Date: 12/11/2024 12:30 pm

Event Locations
South Shields Business Works, Henry Robson Way, South Shields, NE33 1RF
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